Friday, January 4, 2013

Ink and La Gorda and the City of Silver are eligible for Hugo, Nebula awards

People in the SFF world are starting to talk about Hugos and Nebulas - the big awards where speculative fiction is concerned. As it happens, I'm not eligible to nominate or vote in either (having just made my first pro rate sale recently) but I do have two works that are eligible to be voted in and on.

If you are a SFWA or WorldCon eligible voter please consider voting for my novel INK (published by Crossed Genres Publications in October 2012)  in the best novel category, and for my short story "La Gorda and the City of Silver" (which appeared in the anthology Fat Girl in a Strange Land in February 2012) in the best short story category.

Neither of them is available to read online beyond Ink's "Look inside" feature on Amazon, but the Los Angeles Review of Books reviewed it on Dec. 27 (click here to read); as for "La Gorda and the City of Silver," if you'd like a copy of the short story to read before you cast your vote, email me at svourvoulias (at) yahoo (dot) com and let me know so I can send you one.

Yes, I absolutely know there is only the remotest of chances my work will be looked at seriously in these categories given the amount of competition out there, but that Latina hope-and-stubborness mix is kicking in, so here you have it.

If you can, please vote.

Link to Hugo awards:
Link to Nebula awards:

1 comment:

  1. I'm not eligible to vote either, but I wish you all the luck in the world, and see no reason why you might not get somewhere with this.


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